
Reiki may sound “new age” to some, but it’s anything but new. In fact, it’s a form of energy healing with roots in ancient cultures. Reiki uses what’s known as universal life force energy—ki or qi—to improve people’s lives and ailments.

The most well-documented benefits of reiki revolve around the relaxation response, which practitioners say invokes the body’s natural healing process. Reiki proposes that disruption to the energetic systems of the body may cause health problems and seeks to restore the balance of the energy flow to a person by soothing and working with the natural state of the energy flow.

The term “reiki” comes from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” which means vital life force energy that flows through all living things.

Five Reiki Principles

The principles of reiki are the foundation on how to live and practice the ancient Japanese healing art of Reiki. They are a set of core concepts or dogmas that were created by Mikao Usui, a doctor who promoted the teachings and benefits of Reiki. Dr. Usui designed these five reiki principles as a way to help people connect with their reiki energy and to benefit their well-being as well as others.

The Five Reiki Principles are as follows:

Just for today, I will not worry.

Just for today, I will not be angry.

Just for today, I will do my work honestly.

Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings.

Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.

What to Expect at a Reiki Session

Person receiving a relaxing spa treatment with hands near forehead

Come to a Reiki session dressed comfortably.

First, you will consult with your Reiki practitioner before moving to a massage table. Face up fully dressed and cozy underneath a light blanket, your practitioner will begin with grounding followed by subtle alignments of your magnetic and energetic fields. This is performed by use of gentle touch on various points of your body’s meridians, as well as parts of your energetic fields.

Your job is simply to lie back and relax. This process will last between 45 minutes to an hour.

During your session, you may experience feelings of euphoria, deep, relaxation, clarity, emotional release, and rejuvenation just to name a few.

After care is simple, drink lots of water and honor yourself in whatever way works for you.

Meet Sammy

Samantha Yelle is a yoga instructor and Reiki practitioner currently trained and attuned in Reiki 1 & 2 of the Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki lineage. Her official Reiki journey started when she was gifted attunement in January of 2023 by her Reiki master. Her master teacher had witnessed and experienced Sammy channeling energy while performing for crowds of people to promote healing. She felt it would be in the best service of her local community to pass on the teachings of Reiki, so that Sammy could refine and grow how she healed herself and others. Her practices always include connecting in an intuitive and heart-based manner.

Healing modalities assist you to travel inward helping you to reveal your strengths, gifts, and perhaps uncover answers to your deep burning questions, and how to fulfill your dreams. Sammy is not the one healing you. You are - by uncovering the truth that you are carrying within and allowing yourself to be in that personal truth.

She looks forward to helping you on your healing journey.

My reiki session with Sammy was incredible. She’s very skilled!
— K.R.
The session was great and the practitioner (Sammy) was lovely — I found it very relaxing.
— C.F.

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